Dan Aykroyd

The Dan Aykroyd monlogue is a long, fast, and well-versed. He is best as a staunch, comedic funny man, but his love of blues and fine liquor reveals a different side.

Here are my top Aykroyd characters, with key quotes.

5. Louis Winthorpe III, Think big, think positive. Never show any sign of weakness. Always go for the throat. Buy low, sell high. Fear . . . that's the other guy's problem. Fifty bucks?! No, no, no. This is a Roche Vouceau. The finest water-resistant watch in the world. Singularly unique, sculptured in design, hand-crafted in Switzerland and water resistant to three atmospheres. This is *the* sports watch of the '80s. Six thousand, nine hundred and fifty five dollars retail!

4. Roman Craig, I tell you what I see when I look out there. I see the undeveloped resources of Minnesota, Northern Wisconsin, and Michigan. I see a syndicated development consortium exploiting over a billion and a half dollars in forest products. I see a paper mill and if the strategic metals are there, a mining operation. A greenbelt between the condos on the lake and a waste management facility focusing on the newest rage in toxic waste, medical refuse. Infected bandages, body parts, IV tubing, contaminated glassware, entrails,syringes, fluids, blood, low grade radioactive waste all safely contained sunken in the lake and sealed for centuries. Now I ask you what do you see?

3. Elwood Blues, ...and a piece of dry white toast, please.

2. Dan Aykroyd, advocating for Crystal Head Vodka.

1. Austin Millbarge, Well, the Chinese were only using a simple polyphoneticly grouped twenty square digit key, transposed from booster verdonic form, with multiple nulls. I broke it with this.